Cradley Village Hall Registered Charity No:508710 Copyright cradley village hall© 2024  Web design: 01886 880952
Cradley Village Hall
What’s On
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Site Contents
registered Charity No:508710
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Chat and Craft
Chat and Craft Every 1st & 3rd Monday in the Month
Weekly Tai Chi Classes
Every Wednesday
Cradley WI
6th November
The Film Orchestra
6th Jan onwards
CRADLEY CRAFTING GROUP It was a cold, dry day in January when the Craft and Chat group first met. Since then we've met on the third Monday of each month for 2 hours, from 10am to 12pm in Cradley Village Hall. The group has grown over the months and often there will be 20 people working on an amazing range of their own craft projects. The group has been such a success that from September we'll be meeting twice each month, on the 1st and 3rd Monday. That will be more flexible for people who want to attend one, or both, meetings. Here are a few reasons why you may want to join us. Firstly, its very informal- and its free, so you just need to turn up. Its two hours of your time to use however you wish. Whatever craft you want to bring along will be fine (although carrying a sewing machine up the lane may be a bit challenging!) You may have something that you've started and found the pattern is confusing or complicated - we'll have someone in the group who may be able to help, as you both battle with the complications until you both get it right. There may be a new skill you would like to try - knitting, crochet, jewellery making, macrame, embroidery, tapestry and many others, we can help. If you already have crafting skills there may be new ideas or techniques you can try and then incorporate them into your work. And you can pass on your skills to others. So go on, fish out that craft project you started ages ago before and you put it away meaning to finish it some other time - its probably still in a bag behind the sofa! With a concentrated effort for 2 or more hours each month you could have it finished by this time next year, or even sooner! And not only will you have a sense of achievement but you will have made new friends, or maybe reacquainted with old ones. Here are the dates for the next few months so you can put them in your diary or phone: September:4th and 18th October: 2nd and 16th November: 6th and 20th. Come along any time between 10am and 12 pm, you'll be very welcome See you then Pam Moss craft group member
Click the picture for details
Report and results
Annual Produce Show
26th September
Grand Pumpkin Weigh in RESULTS
12th December 2024
Illustrated talk on Malawi
17th January 2025
Burns Night
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Cradley Village Hall Registered Charity No:508710 © 2019      Web design:innmentor 01886 880952
21st Century facilities in 16th Century surroundings
Cradley Village Hall Hall Diary Site Contents
What’s On
CRADLEY CRAFTING GROUP It was a cold, dry day in January when the Craft and Chat group first met. Since then we've met on the third Monday of each month for 2 hours, from 10am to 12pm in Cradley Village Hall.   The group has grown over the months and often there will be 20 people working on an amazing range of their own craft projects.  The group has been such a success that from September we'll be meeting twice each month, on the 1st and 3rd Monday. That will be more flexible for people who want to attend one, or both, meetings.  Here are a few reasons why you may want to join us.  •	Firstly, its very informal- and its free, so you just need to turn up. Its two hours of your time to use however you wish. Whatever craft you want to bring along will be fine (although carrying a sewing machine up the lane may be a bit challenging!)  •	You may have something that you've started and found the pattern is confusing or complicated - we'll have someone in the group who may be able to help, as you both battle with the complications until you both get it right.  •	There may be a new skill you would like to try - knitting, crochet, jewellery making,  macrame, embroidery, tapestry and many others, we can help.  •	If you already have crafting skills there may be new ideas or techniques you can try and then incorporate them into your work. And you can pass on your skills to others.  So go on, fish out that craft project you started ages ago before and you put it away meaning to finish it some other time - its probably still in a bag behind the sofa!  With a concentrated effort for 2 or more hours each month you could have it finished by this time next year, or even sooner! And not only will you have a sense of achievement but you will have made new friends, or maybe reacquainted with old ones.  Here are the dates for the next few months so you can put them in your diary or phone:  September:4th and 18th  October: 2nd and 16th		November: 6th and 20th.   Come along any time between 10am and 12 pm, you'll be very welcome  See you then  Pam Moss craft group member
Click the picture for details
Chat and Craft
Chat and Craft Every 1st & 3rd Monday in the Month
Weekly Tai Chi Classes
Every Wednesday
Cradley WI
6th November
The Film Orchestra
6th Jan onwards
Click the picture for details
Report and results
Annual Produce Show
26th September
Grand Pumpkin Weigh in RESULTS
12th December 2024
Illustrated talk on Malawi
17th January 2025
Burns Night